Three Rivers and an Organ

Known as the "City of Three Rivers", Passau lies at the confluence of the Inn, the Danube and the Ilz Rivers. This is the last major city in Germany on the Danube at the boarder of Austria.

After breakfast we docked and started out on our guided tour through the city.  Still a little overcast, our ship docked near the city center.  We enjoyed many cobblestone streets and lovely buildings.  Several buildings had marks showing the high water level from a flood that they had in 2013.  It was very high and there was a lot of damage and we saw many signs of rebuilding. Look on the right side just below the white painted area and you'll see a orange spot where the water level is shown...probably 10-ft above the heads of these people.

The highlight of the tour was the organ concert at St. Stephens Cathedral.  This baroque style cathedral is home of the largest cathedral organ in the world with 17, 974 organ pipes and five organs. As you can see from the picture the inside of the cathedral was amazingly beautiful and the organ concert was out of this world.  It was wonderful to sit in such a beautiful church and hear a master play such a magnificant instrument.

After the concert we needed to decide if we were going back to the ship for lunch or eat in town.  Carla asked her guide about a vegan resturant that was recommended by the ship but her guide sent her to a better one, so Bill, Karen, and Carla went there and had some really good vegan food.  After lunch we walked around through several narrow passageways and passed by these great doors and then walked out to the point where the three rivers come together.

Often we find unique doors on neighborhood villas such as this one portraying a verse in the Bible where it says 'I stand at the door and knock'.

The Passau city view as we depart is just beautiful.  This evening we entered Austria where we will spend the next several days.

As we sailed into Austria the houses changed a little and looked very Austrian.  We saw several that looked like cookoo clocks.  The river meandered through really beautiful lush green forests with swans and some castles and little towns sprinkled in. Tomorrow we stop in two cities so we need to get our rest.


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