Tiny Town, Part 2

When on a trip, often there is not enough time in the evening to prepare a blog, especially when out and about enjoying God’s creation. Therefore, this is a continuation of yesterday’s blog which was Monday.

 To brighten up main street, the towns people all got together and created ‘Rainbow Street’.

Shops on Rainbow Street

 Below are several pictures of small houses as promised.

Next, are pictures of some of the stores. And in most cases, the owners lived upstairs or adjacent within the same building.

Karen helped this store owner with her purchases.

Karen helped this store owner as well!

And some local bars

Yes, this is a bar

Home made table and chairs looking across the pond

Before heading back to our Viking ship, we walked part the way up the mountain so see this waterfall.


Last view across the pond to the Tiny Town. 

For those inquiring minds, we thought we'd try and show you where our room is with the following picture we took from the waterfall before walking back to the tender. This was a very unique town and we enjoyed our tour guide and the opportunity to spend time here on our own.

Our room is basically in the middle of the ship on the 5th floor, opposite side. The very top floor with long black windows towards the ships bow is floor 7.


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