Grand Canyon Expedition

On June 8, 2018, along with my son Bob and my sisters husband Anker, we went on an out-of-this-world adventure. For eight memorable days, we covered 277 river miles, negotiating nearly 200 exciting rapids on the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon.

After being picked up in Las Vegas at 5am on Saturday, June 8th, we headed to Lees Ferry, Arizona by bus where we met our crew and rafts. Our first stop was at Jacob Lake for a potty break and cookies (our guide said best home made ever). Bob jumped the gun on everyone and bought 2-dozen - and yes, he shared.

At 10am, we boarded our rafts and headed down river. Then on Saturday, June 17th, at noon, we departed the river at Pearce Ferry on Lake Mead where we boarded the bus for our return to Las Vegas.

Our two rafts, known as S-Rigs, carried 14 adventures plus two boatmen each. These 37-ft rafts constructed of neoprene-coated nylon and welded aluminum frames, carried everything needed to sustain us for 8-days, to include an extra motor!

We hope you enjoy this photo blog showing a few highlights of our remarkable adventure.

L to R (brother-in-law, Anker; me and Bob)

Navajo Bridges (circa 1929)

Anker and Bill about to get wet! 
BTW - water temp 48-50 degrees.

Bob on left - and water on my lens.

Anker ready to enter a rapid.
Notice tan bags - 1 per person for clothes, etc.

Elves Chasm - clear pool, dripping moss and ferns.


Undersea Caves 

Little Colorado (Bob in middle - water temp 70).

Anker with yellow handle Go-Pro.

Look carefully and you'll see the raft re-appear. 

Bob cliff jumping.

Guess what's for dinner?

Lower Deer Creek falls.

Hike to upper Deer Creek falls.

Upper Deer Creek falls.

French toast breakfast.

Beautiful morning.

Hike to Petroglyph (see raft below)

Typical camp site

5am and Bob's asleep under his sheet.

Anker sleeps as well!

Calm before the - RAPIDS ahead.

We hid behind an island in the river and suited up as Pirates.

Raised our flag...

...and attacked (that's Anker getting blasted with our water riffle).

Bob's not walking on water - is he?

Beautiful swimming caverns.

The kitchen

We ate large meals 3-times daily, and the food was fantastic! Spaghetti, chicken, pork chops and cornbread, mexican food, steak, eggs, bacon, sausage, oatmeal, lots of fruit and veggies...and all the fix ins. Deserts nightly via their dutch oven to include cake, brownies, coffee cake, etc. All kinds of soda, beer, wine, margarita's and lots of drinking water.

The adventure, the company, the scenery and food - 1st class!

This was a fantastic adventure with my son and brother-in-law. Beautiful clear, cold water, warm days, new friends, several hikes, waterfalls, wild life and the only way to truly see the Grand Canyon. These are only a few pictures as I alone took over 300. Hope you enjoyed seeing the fun and grandeur.

Our crew - four wonderful guides, geologists, and goof balls.
Why Tab? Our organizer Ellen, loves Tab.

A really great adventure highlighted by the beauty of one of the Wonders of the World. We highly recommend it, you'll love it.


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