Natural Bridge

Not only is this timeshare well appointed, our room faces the golf course!  No golf on this trip even though it was 78 degrees today.

Karen in front of our building, the Patrick Henry, and a view of our bedroom and the 2nd bedroom. Both are very nice.

Todays adventure took us to Natural Bridge State Park, listed on the National Register of Historic Places in the Blue Ridge Mountains. In 1750 George Washington surveyed this gorge carved away by Cedar Creek for Lord Fairfax.  On July 5, 1774 Jefferson bought Natural Bridge and the surrounding 157 acres for a whopping $2.40 from King George III. What a steal!

The bridge is 255 feet high, 40 feet thick and 100 feet wide. In fact, Natural Bridge is 55 feet higher than Niagara Falls.  Look closely and you'll see a couple coming towards us.

When Washington completed his survey, he carved his initials 25 feet above the river.

We enjoyed walking along Cedar Creek until we reached Lace Falls and back - a pleasant 3 mile walk in beautiful surroundings.

Karen, working hard to keep her eyes open - good job darling!

The park required we drive 3 hours from Ford's Colony, but it was worth it. Nothing but beautiful trees the entire way and no billboards! On our way back, it started raining around 4 pm and stopped by 6:30.

Soup, warmed sourdough bread and apples was just right as we enjoyed the quiet ambiance in our timeshare in front of a roaring fire? Well, the fire looked great but it's a fake fire - but looks real.

Desert will be after this blog is posted - but it will be the real thing.


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