Party Time

Today was Martha's birthday so it started with surprise decorations when she got up. After some gift opening we all went to Panera Bread for breakfast because she loves their oatmeal. Happy Birthday Martha and many more.

Because the rain started today, the girls headed to Michaels to get some knitting goodies for a day of creating gifts while the guys vegged out watching golf.

The rain was light unlike the bad weather the rest of the Atlantic Coast has been seeing, but it meant we'd stay indoors except for a little shopping and dinner.

For dinner we went to one of Martha's favorite places - Carrabba's - and enjoyed an Italian dinner. When the waiter came to the table, he wondered if something had spilled and was not cleaned earlier because Karen sprinkled confetti on the table for the Birthday girl.

After dinner we stopped at Fresh Market and picked up a birthday pie...and it was yummy!


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